Problems with demohost installation

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Sat May 3 11:03:39 CEST 2008

> Hi,
> I'm having a problem with the installation of demohost from the CD
> created by fai-cd and fai-mirror commands.
> We've been installing client hosts using pxe without problems.
> During the FAI installation none of the packages are being installed.
> Below are the versions of  fai-cd and fai-mirror that i'm using.
> fai-mirror : Version 1.7.1, 20-april-2006
> fai-cd : fai-cd 2.3
> Anyone got a clue?

Probably yes, if you could just please tell us, what exactly the problem is.
None of which packages? Further, most probably there is some kind of error
message. Maybe you could post that as well.


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