Setup_hardisk lvm Cannot determine size

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Fri Mar 28 14:05:16 CET 2008

> I corrected it following you advice, but still no chance :)
> What i'm I missing ? It's working fine with Dell and Vmware.
> I got an odd "Cannot determine size of /dev/cciss/c0d02" while it does not exist, the devices are 
> ~# ls /dev/cciss/c0d0
> c0d0     c0d0p1   c0d0p10  c0d0p2   c0d0p3   c0d0p5   c0d0p6   c0d0p7   c0d0p8   c0d0p9   

Ok, this was a bug in building the device names from disk1.2 - it should be
fixed in SVN revision 4854.

Sorry for troubles,

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