[tautschn at model.in.tum.de: Re: FAI partitioning question]

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Mon Mar 10 14:09:55 CET 2008

Sorry, mysteriously forgot the CC...

----- Forwarded message from Michael Tautschnig <tautschn at model.in.tum.de> -----

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:31:53 +0100
From: Michael Tautschnig <tautschn at model.in.tum.de>
To: "R. F. Grant" <rfg3 at mcs.le.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: FAI partitioning question
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.17 (2007-11-01)

> I notice that sfdisk, which setup_harddisks actually uses to do the
> partitioning, has a -D option to allow DOS compatability. And, in fact,
> running sfdisk -D on the drive after FAI drops out does actually work.
> The question, then: is there some parameter I can get FAI to pass to
> setup_harddisks so that it will format in DOS compatability mode? Or
> some equivalent work around?

You should do as follows: Say, your client has a class MY_HOST, then add a file
class/MY_HOST.var containing:

export sfdisk="-D"

Well, that should be about it.


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