unionfs mount failed

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Thu Jun 26 17:26:31 CEST 2008

> Hi!
> Today's not my most successful day ;) 
Well, then let's make it your most successful day :-))

> I'm now discovering the following problem: I try to "xm create
> mysqlprx01 vminstall=1 -c" a new XenU. I'm getting the busybox but
> "unionfs mount failed". Why? Does somebody know why ROOTPATH is empty?
> Mr Google didn't gave me an appropriate answer :(


Hmm, well, yes, you'll need the unionfs modules as well:

m-a a-i unionfs
update-initramfs -u

(m-a is the module-assistant, you might need to install it first)

In case you've got multiple kernel versions around, m-a and update-initramfs
will only update the currently running kernel, check out the -l option for m-a
and -k for update-initramfs otherwise.


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