Workaround while installing xen kernels

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Tue Jul 15 22:21:32 CEST 2008

Michael Tautschnig rote:
>> I'm installing XenSource VMs 

BTW: XenServer commercial stuff or just GPL Xen VM's? (XenSource is 
dead/swallowed, in any case and not operating by that name anymore)

>> (ifclass GRUB && ifclass VIRTXEN) && mkdir ${target}/boot/grub && touch
>> ${target}/boot/grub/menu.lst

ACK, have to do the same.

>> Does someone have an explanation what is happening? 

Hmm, maybe something along these lines: your going to install a kernel, 
which pulls in a bootloader.
But the bootloader has some hard time when "looking at the disk", as 
you're only handing over a single partition to the xen guest (it sees 
something like /dev/sda1 without /devsda), if you're doing it like most 
people do it on debian.
Some of the helper tools involved around this process have some trouble 
with the  type of setup...

I guess properly reading the logs in the area where the problem happens 
could help a little, but I never took the time.


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