Lvm setup-storage mount point

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Sat Feb 16 17:31:11 CET 2008

> Hello
> I'm happily using setup-storage to set-up LVM Volumes.
> I do have a little question about vg volume mount point
> I tried several combinaison without success :
> For example i'd like to use logical mountpoint instead of /dev/sdX.
> For instance something like that
> # Simple LVM example
> disk_config disk bootable:1
> primary /boot 500 ext3 rw
> primary -       4096-   -       -
> disk_config lvm
> vg my_pv        /home
> my_pv-_swap     swap    2048    swap    sw
> my_pv-_root     /       2048    ext3 rw

How should that work? After all, /home is not declared to be any partition. And
even more so, it is self-contradictory, isn't it? There is something mounted as
/home and now you put an LVM volume group onto that device, so it cannot be
mounted as /home anymore. Or am I missing some LVM magic?


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