tg3 network cards

Ralf Utermann ralf.utermann at
Thu Dec 4 10:58:53 CET 2008

Ryan Steele wrote:
>>> I suppose that could be the case - hadn't even occurred to me.  The
>>> box  does have dual on-board NIC's, so that is a viable suggestion. 
>>> I'll do  some more research on that front, see what comes of it. 
>>> Thanks for the  suggestion.

I had similar problems with  FSC RX300S3 systems, which have an
onboard Broadcom 5715 dual port interface. My systems have an
additional Intel quad port card, so I end up with 6 interfaces, and the
one I need for FAI install is never eth0. This was no problem with
my etch environment, I see these problems only since I started with

I thought if we have an 'ip=dhcp' in the kernel command line of the
pxelinux config file then ipconfig from klibc-utils would just try 
all interfaces and use the one, where it gets an answer. At least, that's
how I understand Documentation/nfsroot in the kernel sources.
My first try was to use entries like 'ip=:::::eth1:dhcp', but the systems
was still hanging before the nfsroot mount.

My current solution with the FAI3.2.14/lenny server is to use a
specific initrd and nfsroot for these boxes and fix the interface 
naming with an udev rules file in the initrd. Then the dhcp-connected
interface is forced to be eth0 and it works.
[As I have a couple of systems with identical setup for the interface
cards, I use the PCI slot id for naming, with entries like
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", BUS=="pci", ID=="0000:12:04.1", NAME="eth0"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", BUS=="pci", ID=="0000:12:04.0", NAME="eth1"
This is included in the initrd with a initramfs-tools/hooks script.]

Though this works I would still like to understand why the default
setup did not. I'll follow this thread and hope to learn ...

Bye, Ralf
        Ralf Utermann
        Universität Augsburg, Institut für Physik   --   EDV-Betreuer
        D-86135 Augsburg                     Phone:  +49-821-598-3231
        SMTP: Ralf.Utermann at Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE         Fax: -3411

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