I'll try disk_config and LVM

kegstand kegstand at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 23:17:43 CEST 2008

I don't quit understand the instructions in the wiki about what else I need,
to use LVM and setup_storage.

I am trying this as my disk_config, the errors I get are

Error:  could not read device /dev/lvm

thanks for any help.

root at pl-dev:/srv/fai/config/disk_config# cat PEANUTSERVERLVM

disk_config sda  bootable:1
primary         /boot   500     ext3    defaults
primary         -       6096-   -       -

disk_config lvm
vg lvmtest       sda2
lvmtest-swap     swap    1048    swap   sw
lvmtest-root     /       1048    xfs    defaults
lvmtest-dev      /dev    1048    xfs    defaults
lvmtest-var      /var    1048    xfs    defaults
lvmtest-home     /home   1048    xfs    defaults

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