setup-storage and grub issue

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Tue Apr 22 18:05:15 CEST 2008

> >   
> I did not have the time to check this sooner. I check out Revision 4871
> and had to fix these small errors first:
Oh, thanks a lot for checking all this and providing me with a patch...

> Then setup-storage runs but I get:
> INTERNAL ERROR in setup-storage:
> unexpected mismatch
Copy&paste may be very painful, indeed... Your patch and also a fix of this
issue is incorporated in r4872.

> FYI: The RAIDs are not recreated as I did not erase their superblocks
> but as the disk layout did not change this should not matter (or does it?).

How did you see that they haven't been recreated? Looking at my code I guess
they should get recreated, at least there is no logic in there avoiding this.

Thanks for all your feedback,

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