further problems with make-fai-nfsroot

Tobias Herziger therziger at chipxonio.de
Thu Sep 13 16:43:43 CEST 2007


I just put thomas' debian repository into our sources.list apt-get 
upgraded the packages and now FAI is broken. running make-fai-nfsroot 
leads to that:

root at fai3.ipxmuc-a:/etc/fai# make-fai-nfsroot -v
Using configuration files from /etc/fai
Creating FAI nfsroot in /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir.
install_packages: executing chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir 
apt-get clean
install_packages: executing chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir 
dpkg --configure --pending
install_packages: executing chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir 
dpkg -C
install_packages: executing chroot /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir 
apt-get clean
„/etc/fai/apt“ -> „/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/etc/fai/apt“
„/etc/fai/apt/sources.list.dpkg-dist“ -> 
„/etc/fai/apt/sources.list“ -> 
„/etc/fai/fai.conf“ -> 
„/etc/fai/fai.conf.dpkg-dist“ -> 
„/etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf“ -> 
„/etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf.dpkg-dist“ -> 
„/etc/fai/menu.lst“ -> 
„/etc/fai/menu.lst.dpkg-dist“ -> 
„/etc/fai/NFSROOT“ -> „/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/etc/fai/NFSROOT“
„/etc/fai/NFSROOT.dpkg-dist“ -> 
Shadow passwords are now on.
Removing `local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to 
cp: Fehlender Zieldatei-Operand hinter 
„cp --help“ gibt weitere Informationen.
Removing `local diversion of /sbin/discover-modprobe to 



Tobias Herziger
Senior System Administrator
Phone: +49-89-74642-535
Cell: +49-178-6955984
Fax: +49-89-74642-200

CHIP Xonio Online GmbH
Poccistraße 11, 80336 München
Geschäftsführung: Mathias Plica
Vors. d. Aufsichtsrats: Dr. Jan-Gisbert Schultze
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