securing installation

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Thu Sep 13 09:32:07 CEST 2007

> Michael Tautschnig wrote:
>  Where should I put the hook?
>> I think it works the following way: put your code in a script
>> $NFSROOT/$FAI/hooks/confdir.DEFAULT, where $NFSROOT and $FAI are set in
>> make-fai-nfsroot.conf and fai.conf, respectively.
> Ok, it reads to hook, but then my svn checkout fails because the directory 
> already exists.
> I don't see any other way than to move the code that downloads my key to an 
> higher level.

Not necessarily, you might follow the advice of Henning Glawe (which he posted
yesterday) to redefine $FAI within the hooks.


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