How to install a non-default kernel?

Torsten Schlabach tschlabach at
Fri Oct 26 00:27:06 CEST 2007


I do have a FAI version which is a bit older than 3.2. Not sure about 
the exact version, but I don't have /etc/fai/NFSROOT.

 > # the new kernel
 > linux-image-<2.6-whatever-i-like>
 > # remove the old one, mind the "-" at the end
 > linux-image-2.6-486-

I picked that up somewhere, but it does not seem to work as desired.

This is what I have in my package_config/MYCLASS file:

--- SNIP ---

PACKAGES aptitude

# VServer enabled kernel

--- SNIP ---

Here is what I get on the installed client:

# dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image
linux-image-2.6-486                             install
linux-image-2.6.18-5-486                        install
linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-686                install
linux-image-486                                 install

As you can see, it picked up and installed the


but it also installed

linux-image-2.6-486 and linux-image-486

and used that as the default kernel.

I seems to ignore the line



Michael Tautschnig schrieb:
> [...] (installing some other kernel _instead_ of the default)
>>How is the default kernel choosen anyway?
> That depends on your FAI version. Assuming you are using something greater than
> 3.2, /etc/fai/NFSROOT has a list of packages that will be installed into your
> nfsroot and then get installed on the client as well.
> One possibility is thus to edit /etc/fai/NFSROOT, but alternatively you could
> also add the following to your package_config/<CLASS> file:
> # the new kernel
> linux-image-<2.6-whatever-i-like>
> # remove the old one, mind the "-" at the end
> linux-image-2.6-486-
> Best,
> Michael

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