Installing ruby gems

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Nov 29 11:36:18 CET 2007

>>>>> On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 21:23:12 +0100, Ulrich Kortenkamp <kortenkamp at> said:

    > we have a working fai installation here
Did I already get your FAI questionnaire? ;-)

    > and I would like to install  
    > Ruby on Rails on the fai clients. It's no problem to add the ruby  
    > packages, but in order to install rails I have to use the ruby package  
    > management tool gems. I thought that adding a script that calls

    > gem install --include-dependencies rails
Yuo have to call this command inside the new system (using chroot),
which is mounted to /target during installation. Try this

$ROOTCMD gem install --include-dependencies rails

$ROOTCMD will do the chroot /target for you, or during a softupdate
it's just empty.
regards Thomas

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