configuration to boot from network card

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Thu Nov 8 22:35:50 CET 2007

>> Could you please be explicit about what problem you need to get solved?
> i would like to install fai for "fai-installer about the configuration of 
> server fai for booting from network card with PXE. The documentation is not 
> detailled like bootloader and default.
> I copy pxelinux.0 in fai and  i create le dir pxelinux.cfg.
> About pxelinux.cfg/default, how do configure or obtain the label ex: 
> fai-install end the kernel ex: vmlinuz-fai , i think i have to put those 
> file in fai directory

First of all, which FAI version are you using? The configuration and logs that
you provided are that of a fairly ancient version of FAI.

In versions >= 3.2 you should definitely be able to simply install
fai-quickstart and run fai-setup, or simply follow the quickstart tutorial in
the FAI guide - but again, get yourself a current version of the FAI guide.

Hope this helps,

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