Installation hangs at TASKBEGIN instsoft

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Tue May 15 11:36:45 CEST 2007

>>>>> On Tue, 15 May 2007 11:23:42 +0200, "Torsten Schlabach" <TSchlabach at> said:

    > Where would that FAI_FLAGS variable be read to start an sshd?
It's in task_setup() in subroutines:

        [ "$flag_sshd" -a -x /usr/sbin/sshd ] && /usr/sbin/sshd

Before a subroutine set the flags from FAI_FLAGS to variables called
flag_xxxx where xxxx is the flag name (in define_fai_flags)

> And what mechanism is used by the install client to talk to faimond?
> I think if I manage to send debug information to faimond, I should
> be able to find the remaining problems. 
Use the routine sendmon. For example:

sendmon "This is my first debug message"

This will automatically be sent to faimond with the prefix of your

    > I tried netcat, but that works only once; for one line to be exact. If I do a 
    > netcat myinstallhost 4711 < thelogfileIwant
Never tried multiple lines with faimond.

But you can use netcat to transfer the file to another netcat on your
local server (not the install client) which listens on another
port. That will work. Good idea.

    > Also if I can SSH to the install client, I can read stuff in
    > /tmp but in case any installation is asking a question I won't
    > be able to attach to the terminal on which it does that, will I? 
No. But will will get much more information for debugging. One guy
also proposed running the installation inside a screen session, so
then you are able to connect to this terminal.

regards Thomas

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