Using FAI to install a "root Server"

Torsten Schlabach tschlabach at
Fri May 11 17:37:46 CEST 2007

Hi Thomas!

I cannot use that support guy; it was pure chance that a remote reset 
did not work, so I had to use their support and he told me that. If I 
make them fix that, they are going to charge be an unreasonable amount 
of money for "remote hands".

 > What's the output of
 > df
 > pstree

I cannot communicate with the box, so I cannot tell.

But what we know for sure is:

It mounted the root filesystem via NFS from the FAI server.
I just checked, even a regular kernel would then start init which would 
in turn execute /etc/init.d/rcS; which would be coming from the NFS root 
filesystem. But my commands I added in rcS are not executed.

Is it correct to assume that when I mount /srv/fai/nfsroot as /, then 
the install client will be chrooted and see /srv/fai/nfsroot as /, so if 
init is looking for /etc/init.d/rcS, this will map to 
/srv/fai/nfsroot/etc/init.d/rcS on the server?

Does the FAI kernel have ext2/ext3 filesystem support?
Is it built with netconsole support?
What does the -m option mean on the kernel command line?


Thomas Lange schrieb:
>>>>>>On Fri, 11 May 2007 16:07:50 +0200, Torsten Schlabach <tschlabach at> said:
>     > option means by the way, but I just got a confirmation from the support 
>     > guys in the datacentre that the box booted the FAI kernel and says
>     > sh-3.1#
> Mmm. First, let's try to confirm that your box really booted FAI. Is
> ther a red ASCII logo? What's the output of
> df
> pstree
> The support guy should send you all files in /tmp/fai. With those data
> we can debug much better.

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