rdate timeout failure

Rainer Fleischhacker rainer at familie-fleischhacker.de
Mon Mar 19 18:51:59 CET 2007

Thomas Lange schrieb:
>>>>>> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 13:47:10 +0100, Rainer Fleischhacker <rainer at familie-fleischhacker.de> said:
>     > I've configured the variables TIMESRVS_1 and NTPSRVS_1 and NTPSRVS in
>     > config space FAIBASE.var but no changing. When I turned the command off:
>     > is there the same problem: rdate: connect: Connection timed out
> Are you sure you disabled the rdate called inside the nfsroot?
Hello Thomas,
thanks for the brainkick. It work's very well.


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