Err etch Release.gpg

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Wed Mar 7 11:00:10 CET 2007

>>>>> On Wed, 7 Mar 2007 09:17:06 +0000, "Javi Legido" <javilegido at> said:

    > 1. On an etch system, today, is not possible to get running fai-cd,
    > becuase it relays on mkinitrd-cd, wich it's only avalaible on a sarge
    > system. Then, I have two ways:

    > a) Wait until fai-cd uses initramfs-tools instead of mkinitrd-cd

    > b) 'Downgrade' (with chroot I think) my Debian system from etch to sarge
No. You can also setup a sarge chroot (maybe using fai dirinstall)
environment on your etch system and use that for creating the ISO
image with fai-cd. 

regards Thomas

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