Ubuntu local loopback device missing [SOLVED]

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Fri Jun 22 15:48:20 CEST 2007

Jens Dreger wrote:
> We don't install Ubuntu with FAI anymore, 

No ubuntu at all, or just really not with FAI?
If the latter, why not?

> but when we did, I fixed this
> using a hook for class UBUNTU (instsoft.UBUNTU):
> # fix for /var/{run,lock} not being there at initrd-time
> if cut -f2 -d' ' /proc/mounts  | grep -q ^$target/var$; then
>     [ "$verbose" ] && echo "DEBUG: creating /var/{run,lock} on / (\$FAI${0##$FAI})"
>     _varmoved=$(mktemp -d $target/var.XXXXXX)
>     mount --move $target/var $_varmoved
>     mkdir -p $target/var/run $target/var/lock
>     mount --move $_varmoved $target/var
>     unset _varmoved
> fi

Hmm, looks more complex, but might be more appropriate to solve it 
already in the initrd. Still, as of yet I don't see why my simple 
solution is or should be wrong and it worked well. Are there any reasons 
to prefer one solution over the other?


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