locales settings

Rudy Gevaert Rudy.Gevaert at UGent.be
Wed Jun 6 13:02:25 CEST 2007

Tim Cutts wrote:
> On 6 Jun 2007, at 10:59 am, Rudy Gevaert wrote:
>> If I do debconf-get-selections I already get:
>>   locales locales/default_environment_locale      select  None
>> (I haven't defined anything in my config, so it's the default)
> Is that in the installed system, or in the FAI NFS chroot?

On the installed system.

> The system default locale is defined by the file /etc/default/locale.  
> This is modified with the update-locale program, which is in turn called 
> by the locales package postinst script.

thrace:~# apt-cache policy locales
   Installed: 2.3.6.ds1-13
   Candidate: 2.3.6.ds1-13
   Version table:
  *** 2.3.6.ds1-13 0
         500 http://ftp.be.debian.org etch/main Packages
         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
thrace:~# dpkg -L locales | grep default
thrace:~# dpkg -L locales | grep etc

I'm using 64bit arch though.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rudy Gevaert          Rudy.Gevaert at UGent.be          tel:+32 9 264 4734
Directie ICT, afd. Infrastructuur ICT Department, Infrastructure office
Groep Systemen                    Systems group
Universiteit Gent                 Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S9, 9000 Gent, Belgie               www.UGent.be
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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