New user do FAI

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at
Tue Jun 5 16:02:51 CEST 2007

On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 02:03:55PM +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:29:05 +0100, Jaime Ventura <jaimeventura at> said:
>     > As far as I understood by reading the documentation, NFS is needed for 
> NFS is needed for the nfsroot. The kernel is received via TFTP.
BTW, looking at the new (nfs://server/tree) format for specifying the nfsroot,
are there plans to provide support for other means as well (sshfs, ocfs, ...)?

>     > If so, can I use other that NFS?
> Yes, technical it's possible to replace NFS with an huge ramdisk, but you will
> not want to do this, because it's much more difficult to set up. 
I could imagine (ab)using a partition for this - the same way Solaris did
(still does?) when installing a miniroot.

>     > scripts,... )  be transfered to the client? NFS also?
> For accesing the Debian package you can use NFS, TFP, HTTP. man
> sources.list will help you.
config space, in most cases, should be small enough to be kept in ramdisk
(especially since the packages directory has been moved away). I believe
CVS checkout would work this way...

Speaking of general documentation, what's the timeline for FAI 3 manuals?
I'll have to move to 3.1 soon, from a pure sarge (2.8.4) install. I guess
the S[0-9][0-9]* -> [0-9][0-9]* transition is the easiest part :-/


Steffen Grunewald * MPI Grav.Phys.(AEI) * Am Mühlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam
Cluster Admin * *
* e-mail: steffen.grunewald(*) * +49-331-567-{fon:7233,fax:7298}
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