fai-multi-distribution with Ubuntu support released

Juergen Kahnert Juergen.Kahnert at DESY.de
Fri Jun 1 14:32:06 CEST 2007

Hello Henning,

On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 01:35:55AM +0100, Henning Sprang wrote:
> I just created a version of FAI 2.9 that is able to install Debian
> sarge, Ubuntu hoary, Ubuntu breezy from a single Debian sarge server.

do you have anything for the current etch FAI 3.1?

And not shipped as a .deb package but a howto add this to a working etch
FAI server?

> It has very minimal changes to FAI itself, plus some extra classes that
> are needed and scripts for the creation of the basic system image.

Any diffs for the current etch version?

Or is there a built-in support for multi-distribution in the current
FAI version?

> It only needs one nfsroot for all.

Sounds good, but howto make it? Your faiwiki page is not up to date. And
downgrading from 3.1 to 2.9 isn't a real solution...

Are there any news?


    Jürgen Kahnert

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