Problem with package removal...

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at
Sun Feb 18 19:05:00 CET 2007

Henning Sprang wrote:
> On 2/16/07, Carl J. Van Arsdall <cvanarsdall at> wrote:
>> Is there a way I can tell fai to only remove the packages I explicitly
>> tell it to?
> Are you sure that the things you want to do work correctly, depency-wise?
Well, they had for a long time anyhow.  Ant is a java package, and I 
install java, I just don't know gnu java, I use sun java (which can't 
live in the main apt repositories cause of the software license).  I 
imagine that at one point in time, Ant wasn't dependent on gcj, but 
perhaps they added it. 

> Sounds quite reasonable that ant depends on some java base package,
> and therefore is removed when you throw java base packages away.
> FAI doesn't circumvent dependencies normally, it uses normal apt and
> aptitude calls. I am not sure if there is something to force doing
> things against dependencies.
Alright, its not too much of a pain.  gcj will install things into my 
path, I just need to unlink them and put links to the sun java.  Nothing 
a script can't do, sometimes I just wish things wouldn't get "fixed".



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