Sending DHCP requests ....... timed out!

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Sun Feb 18 11:42:41 CET 2007

>>>>> On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 00:31:05 -0800 (PST), Heba Farouk <heba.farouk at> said:

    > I’m configuring a small cluster of 7 machines on
    > debian sarge 3.1 using network booting. I’m using
    > CISCO gigabit switch between the machines. All things
    > went fine until it reaches the point which it sends
    > the DHCP requests to the server. I used tcpdump to
    > check the requests the client sends to the DHCP server
    > but I receive nothing.
Which network cards do you have?
There are known problems (and soultions) when using e1000 cards, or
it may be the "fast port" (disable spanning tree) option on cisco switches.
Have a look at:
regards Thomas

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