Chnages in grub menu.lst will be overwritten

Jens Strohschnitter suse-linux at
Mon Apr 16 18:33:26 CEST 2007

> > we install debian-servers running on CF-cards.
> > While installation via FAI, we've got dma-timouts.
> > 
> > Booting with paramter ide=no-dma on grub-bootscreen
> > fixes this problem.
> > 
> > So we have created a seperate menu.lst-File as a
> > class and copied it with fcopy to /boot. But the
> > menu.lst file will be overwritten by FAI, so that
> > the no-dma-parameter is lost while installing the
> > server.  
> Check that you /var/lib/fai/FAI_CLASSES and see
> if your class you used comes after GRUB class.  

I've checked out 10 times the copy-sequence but my
fcopy of menu.lst comes after the default GRUB-Class.
I have deactivated the fcopy in the grub-class of FAI
but then I've got a kernelpanic :-(

Is there any other script/class that works after all
classes ? In /usr/local/share/fai I haven't found any


     Jens Strohschnitter

* *
Set the controls for 
		 the heart of the sun


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