FAI 3.0 released

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Wed Sep 27 17:56:14 CEST 2006

> On Wed, 27.09.2006 at 16:11:22 +0200, Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE> wrote:
> > Currently my major wishlist bug is "A couple of days without FAI".
> > I hope this bug will not be tagged "wontfix" but I fear it is tagged
> > "etch-ignore" :-)
> yuck - this answers my other question. 8-(

Maybe you misunderstand this: This is a joke about how Thomas wants to
spend his time the next few days. I cannot imagine that this is
somehow subject to your question (with the exception you intended to
hire him fto help with yxour FAI problems).

> > FAI 3.0 is tested with etch.
> Will it still work on Sarge, or what are the problem areas I have to
> look out for?

"it is not tested" means, nobody can answer that question, because, it
is not tested.
Best idea is, you test it, post your problems, and we will help you.

> I'd rather avoid upgrading the installer box to "Etch" right now...

Nobody forces you to upgrade.


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