saving logs via ssh(scp)

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Thu Sep 21 18:00:51 CEST 2006

On 9/21/06, Thomas Lange <lange at> wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:20:02 +0200, Juraj Holtak <juraj.holtak at> said:
>     > Saving logs via ssh(scp) doesn`t work in beta.
> Please send a detailed bug report to the BTS (

If we want feedback, we shouldn't force people to a specific
interface. But I agree that it's better to have a "real" bugreport.

>I will
> not work on such a short bug report.

That's true. "doesn't work" is mostly not enough to analyze the
problem and give further help.

But he writes that there is not log message to see.
Maybe the script is just not executable?!


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