Extra partition being created

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Mon Nov 27 20:32:57 CET 2006

> It would appear to me as though somehow an extra partition is being 
> created during the disk setup.  Here is my partition setup file, the 
> partition.sda from the logs, is there a script somewhere adding an extra 
> partition?
> #disk_config/FAIBASE
> # generic disk configuration for one small disk
> # disk size from 500Mb up to what you can buy today
> #
> # <type> <mountpoint> <size in mb> [mount options]     [;extra options]
> disk_config disk1
> primary  /             3000-      rw,errors=remount-ro ; -c -j ext3
> logical  swap          1000      rw
> # logical /home        preserve9   rw,nosuid            ; -m 1 -j ext3
> #logs/partition.sda
> glue:/var/log/fai/node-27/last# cat partition.sda
> # partition table of device: /dev/sda
> unit: sectors
> /dev/sda1 : start=        63, size=  33784632, Id= 83, bootable
> /dev/sda2 : start=  33784695, size=   2056320, Id=  5
> /dev/sda3 : start=         0, size=         0, Id=  0
> /dev/sda4 : start=         0, size=         0, Id=  0
> /dev/sda5 : start=  33784758, size=   2056257, Id= 82
> The partition on /dev/sda2 is extra and not something I defined.  I just 
> want one big partition and a 1 gig swap, is my configuration wrong?  
> Furthermore, I looked at the partition table via fdisk, these partitions 
> are assigned to the same starting point?

/dev/sda2 is what you implictly requested - an extended partition (you said the
swap partition should be a logical one, so setup_harddisks inferred an extend
partition must be created).


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