running fai from rescue system

David Hausheer hausheer at
Wed May 17 17:53:13 CEST 2006

Hi Thomas,

I'm also using FAI on a Hetzner server, but I'm installing the machine 
standalone, i.e. from a ramdisk. AFAIK the rescue system at Hetzner 
cannot be changed, thus it cannot be used for FAI.

Best regards

Thomas Memenga wrote:

> Hi,
> i am trying to utilize FAI for a couple of dedicated servers.
> The hoster ( already has an PXE & debian based rescue system.
> My Question is: Is it possible to utilize this rescue system ? What has to be installed / what files has to be copied to the rescue system ? How do i start the automatic installation ?
> Thanks,
> Thomas

| David Hausheer, Dr. sc. techn. ETH                        |
| Department of Informatics (IFI), University of Zurich     |
| Postal Address: Binzmühlestrasse 14, CH-8050 Zurich       |
| Phone:  +41-44-635-4372 | Skype:        callto://hausheer |
| Fax:    +41-44-635-6809 | E-Mail:   hausheer at |
| Mobile: +41-79-336-4076 | Web: |

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