different boot kernels, was: newer fai kernel

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon May 8 14:43:47 CEST 2006

>>>>> On Mon, 8 May 2006 14:15:27 +0200 (MEST), Andreas Sindermann <sinder at thp.Uni-Koeln.DE> said:

    > To the developers: I'm wondering whether it would be nice that the
    > 'fai-chboot' script would check by default whether
    > /boot/fai/vmlinuz-install is the appropiate boot-sector (perhaps a
    > naming problem) or not. Currently I'm trying to install both i386 and
    > amd64 architectures in parallel and often I forget to copy the correct
    > vmlinuz-install by hand so that the installation process doesn't start
    > properly...
Have a look at the template feature of fai-chboot in the new fai
version. So you can prepare a amd64.tmpl and a i386.tmpl for you
environment, and then easily copy one of the templates to the host
pxelinux config file using fai-chboot.

regards Thomas

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