sqashing my own bugs

Cedric BRINER work at infomaniak.ch
Tue Mar 28 11:58:15 CEST 2006


I hope that I'm in the final steps of configuring fai.
I need that my config to be as cleany as possible because I'm now using the fai updater:
which looks really great too !

so after *almost* sqashing all my bugs. I've found my self in front of:
/usr/sbin/fai softupdate
   Calling hook: savelog.LAST
   Congratulations! No errors found in log files.
   savelog.LAST         OK.
   Calling task_savelog
   cp: cannot stat `FAI_CLASSES': No such file or directory
   cp: cannot stat `/tmp/fai.OKbjcE/disk_var.sh': No such file or directory
   End of /usr/sbin/fai

you see after the last hooks (savelog.LAST) which compliment my work, I do have tho
errors of coppying files...

what could it be ?



Geneva - Switzerland

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