log from make-fai-nfsroot

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Sun Mar 19 23:09:25 CET 2006

>>>>> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 14:48:42 -0500, "Dave Neill" <dneill at snet.net> said:

    > Things seem to go pretty well as debootstrap pulls in the packages (I've
    > included the full log of make-fai-nfsroot at the end of this message).  What
NEVER ever include the full log file into a posting here! We are only
interested in the important parts.

    > ln: `/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/usr/bin/awk': File exists
Known problem. AFAIK it's always a broken Debian mirror. Try to use an
official one.

    > Err SUITE/main Packages
Which fai version are you using? grep SUIT /etc/fai/* and read the
comments there.
regards Thomas

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