boot parameters not set correctly ( bug in get-boot-info ?)

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Jun 12 11:42:46 CEST 2006

>>>>> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:51:10 +0200, Rudy Gevaert <Rudy.Gevaert at> said:

    > In my case, when I have with ip=eth1:dhcp in my pxeconfig file for that 
    > host, it always executed the get_fixed_info subroutine.

    > This is because dmesg contains the following string.
    >    Sending DHCP and RARP requests ., OK
I think you are not using the default fai-kernel. Your kernel seems to
have the CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP set, which is not enablerd in the

    > I'm booting my install with a kernel.  For AMD64.  I'm trying 
    > to install sarge 64 bit.
Please try the default kernel from fai-kernels. Are there any drivers
missing in this kernel?
regards Thomas

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