Install nodes with re-configured kernel image

Brian Showalter bshowalter at
Wed Jan 18 14:29:33 CET 2006

--- Gavin Tran <gavintran at> wrote:

> I'm also happy to report that I get custom kernel working on
> clients.
> That's quite a bit tricky from what I'm doing.
> First I'd followed guide from Brian , but it didn't come as
> supposing to be.
> Try googling around alot, than found this
> That solved my problem. Hope this help anyone with this problems.

Glad you got it working, Gavin!

My tutorial was perhaps not clear enough on this particular item
(making sure the client install kernel had the root device driver and
filesystem driver compiled into the kernel instead of set as a
module), so I've made some changes to give more details on that.

You can see the updated tutorial on the FAI wiki at

Would this be of more help to someone experiencing the same problems
you had?

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