fai-mulitdistribution/ubuntu update

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Sun Jan 8 16:06:02 CET 2006

I made a minor update to the multidistribution stuff I made available
for download at 


Just some minor fixes.

As a next step I will really put this into a people branch into FAI
subversion, so other developers can more easily look at that code.

BTW: has anyone in the meantime get experiences in "feeding" darcs
patches into subversion? Then I could commit my changes as I did in my
local reopository, instead of all at once, and reuse all log message I
already made.

After that, I will hopefully get Florent's code for Mandriva
installation successfully running, and integrate it into the
architecture/design proposed by the multi-distribution package (probably
making the fai-distribution package independent from FAI itself, to have
more flexibility to respond to other distributions release and
versioning cycles.

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