Nonexistent disk devices require manual MAKEDEV

Brian Showalter bshowalter at
Wed Jan 4 16:06:06 CET 2006

I'm a newbie to FAI, and have been experimenting with the fai-2.8.4
and fai-kernels-1.10.1 packages for the past few days.  I did rebuild
the 2.6.14 kernel to include the Fusion MPT drivers for the SCSI
controller used by the Dell 1855 blade that I'm using for testing.

One thing I've noticed is that after I run either fai-setup or
make-fai-nfsroot, the /dev/sd* disk devices are not created in
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot/dev. I have to go in and do a manual 'MAKEDEV
sda' to create them.  If I don't do that and proceed with the
install, FAI stops at the setup_harddisks point when it can't find
any disk devices to work with.

I've scoured the documentation, searched the mailing list archives
and Google, but to no avail.  Can anyone explain what's going on with

I have some additional questions as well, and will put them in
separate messages.


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