Fcopy patch regarding debian bug report #360184

Janning Vygen vygen at planwerk6.de
Wed Dec 6 15:33:12 CET 2006

Am Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2006 15:24 schrieb Henning Glawe:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 12:01:03PM +0100, Janning Vygen wrote:
> > +  return 1 if ( $suid != $duid or $sgid != $dgid or $smode != $dmode or
> > $stime != $dtime );
> thinking about (pre/post)inst scripts, comparing the time will lead to
> problems... (as destfile may have a different mtime because it has been
> modified by one of these scripts).

that's not a problem in my patch as set_mode is called anyway and only once 
here regardless of the result of compare_modes:

original code in LATEST

original code in DEBIAN STABLE is 

so set_mode is called anyway after or before postinst. I dont know why the 
utime is called at all. Is it importand to have the time set to the time of 
the configuration file?

in my opinion all modtime code could be removed, but i kept it as i didn't 
understand it and just wanted to fix the bug.

kind regards,

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