sources.list in softupdate

Adrian von Bidder avbidder at
Thu Aug 10 11:45:34 CEST 2006

[Thomas, sorry for the duplicate.  Ought to go to the list, of course.]

On Thursday 10 August 2006 10:41, you wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:24:38 +0200, Adrian von Bidder
> >>>>> <avbidder at> said:
> >>>>>
>     > How do I (using the officially blessed method ;-) distribute a new
>     > sources.list in softupdates?  (right now, I'm adding a new
>     > repository, later, I'll probably want to switch the systems from
>     > sarge to etch.)
> In the simple examples we do it with this line in a shell script using
> the fcopy command:
> scripts/LAST/50-misc: fcopy -i /etc/apt/sources.list

Yes, I saw that now, but I don't like requiring two softupdates until it 
takes effect.  My solution is to do it in prepareapt.FAIBASE.  I guess I 
should prepend it with "[ "$FAI_ACTION" == "softupdate"] &&"

The other thing I don't like about this solution is that I now need to have 
the sources.list in both /etc/fai and /srv/fai/config/files.  Can I have 
the copy in /etc/fai be a symlink, or will the scripts barf? 
(make-fai-nfsroot, for example?  what else reads that file?)

-- vbi

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