amd64 fai : ro filesystem ro

fai amd faiamd64 at
Wed Apr 26 22:40:16 CEST 2006


i am trying to implement a fai process for amd 64 installs. i am not
using the cd method. i am trying to do a pxeboot. 

i am stuck at the point where the client pxeboots, mounts filesystem
but when it starts to execute /etc/init.d/rcS it complains of a read
only filesystem and it aborts. i am not quite sure how to solve this. i
initially thought make the export rw woud solve the problem, but no it

being a novice i am not sure how this works with regards to /tmp. since
the filesystem is nfs mounted and the fai process is writing to /tmp,
then would that be a local copy or a like nfs copy. i don't have a
clear understanding of this part, would appreciate links to docs to

fai-amd64:/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot# ls -ld tmp
drwxrwxrwt  2 root root 4096 2006-04-20 11:25 tmp

fai-amd64:/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot# showmount -e
Export list for fai-amd64:
/usr/local/share/fai *
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot *

# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be
#               to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
/usr/lib/fai/nfsroot *(async,rw,no_root_squash)
/usr/local/share/fai *(async,rw)

thank you,


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