FAI 2.10 released!

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Tue Apr 4 14:34:38 CEST 2006

>>>>> On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:09:27 +0200, Xavier Claessens <xclaesse at gmail.com> said:

    > What about a ubuntu dapper UVF(Upstream Version Freeze) exception ? Is
    > it important to upgrade to 2.10 from 2.9.1 ?
AFAIK the ubuntu guys are not interested in FAI (see below). It also
may be removed from ubuntu since the fai-kernels package is not
available any more in ubuntu. If you want to have fai included in
ubuntu, feel free to contact the MOTU team (see below). I do not have
the time to do this.

> Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com> wrote
> ...
> At present, we are generally content with d-i preseeding and Kickstart
> as automatic installation methods for Ubuntu, and I don't think
> Canonical currently intends to invest lots of effort into FAI. However,
> we will be more than happy to take contributions from community members
> in this regard. The fai package is in universe, so any member of the
> MOTU team (ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com) can help you with uploading
> fixes to it if you can't do so yourself.-- 
> ...

regards Thomas

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