apt-get hangs at the command gzip -d

Binh Ngo binh.ngo at ec.gc.ca
Mon Sep 12 16:05:32 CEST 2005

Thomas Lange wrote:

>>>>>>On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 15:40:16 +0000, Binh Ngo <binh.ngo at ec.gc.ca> said:
>    > Hi,
>    > Did anybody encounter the problem where apt-get hangs at the command 
>    > gzip -d during the instsoft task?
>    > It hangs after all packages have been downloaded and before the 
>    > preconfigure step. If I kill that gzip -d then apt-get continues!
>    > The work-around for me now is to create a hook at instsoft and check for 
>    > that gzip -d after a certain time.
>Does it alsways hang at the same package, even when changing the
>package list? Try to lower the value of the variable $MAXPACKAGES (or
>-m when calling install_packages), maybe this will help.
>You can also add the package strace to the nfsroot and try to strace
>the gzip process.
No, it doesn't always hang at the same package. I lowered MAXPACKAGES to 
50 but it didn't help.

The problem is with the apt cache. Setting the apt's cache limit to a 
higher value, as suggested by Pedro Ferreira, seems to fix the problem 
(5 out of 5 installations).

Thanks all,


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