FAI postgreslq install on sarge
Thomas Lange
lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Oct 21 15:09:05 CEST 2005
>>>>> On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 13:30:15 +0100 (BST), "P.S.S.Camp" <P.S.S.Camp at kent.ac.uk> said:
> Creating config file /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf with new version
> postgresql failed to start. /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d is probably broken.
> Any ideas? or people out there done this?
I think the postinst script of the package will try to start the
postgresql daemon, by calling a init.d script which call invoke-rc.d
which then calls start-stop-daemon which starts the daemon. During
installation we fake start-stop-daemon, but not invoke-rc.d. Maybe the
return code from start-stop-daemon indicates an error, or we have to
fake invoke-rc.d.
Hope this helps.
regards Thomas
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