Problems with nfs mounts - solved

Kai-Felix Braun kai_braun at
Thu Oct 6 23:09:14 CEST 2005

> If your Debian mirror is "correct" and working, you should not need to
> remove anything from the debootstrap config in make-fai-nfsroot.conf.

I had to learn that to include the packages from make-fai-nfs-root.conf one
needs to add -a to the fai-mirror command. This mirror is rather limited and
the sources.list looks then simply: 
deb stable main updates/main
The debootstrap I let still run over FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="sarge
http://$mirrorhost/debian" with and not over the
local mirror because there seems to be confusion with sarge and stable. I
also had to install ntpdate on the faiserver to get rid of some messages.
Now the faiserver is working just fine ! I am writing this for others who
start out not from expert level ....
Thanks for helping
Kai :)

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