FAI and portmapper problems

Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at zt-consulting.com
Thu May 26 00:50:08 CEST 2005

> Hi again!
> > I just had a look add rpcinfo's manpage:
> >  -p      Probe the portmapper on host, and print a list of all registered RPC
> >  programs.  If host is not specified, it defaults to the value returned by
> >  hostname(1).
> > Does
> >   - "hostname" work and
> >   - resolve to the correct hostname or an IP address that is effectively
> >     assigned to the client?
> We already checked that, but for completeness (quark is the machine, and
> it worked with the same machine some weeks ago ...):
> quark:~# hostname
> quark
> quark:~# hostname -f
> quark.cis.zmaw.de
> quark:~# host quark
> quark.cis.zmaw.de has address
> quark:~# host
> domain name pointer quark.cis.zmaw.de.
> So everything looks fine ...
What happens, if you try "rpcinfo -p" - does it show the same
behaviour? Furthermore you could try to find out, whether there is some other
process listening on port 111 (lsof ...), or strace rcpinfo .

> > > But there seem to be some problems with the portmapper: If I kill every
> > > instance and try to restart it, it won't run:
I just had a look at the portmap package: AFAIK it won't be started after being
installed, so /sbin/portmap started by FAI should be the one and only portmap
running. There is one thing I'm not sure of: What happens, if you try to contact
the portmap running outside the chroot-jail from the chroot? I don't think, that
it should be a problem...


One more thing you could try is a woody-install: Build a woody NFSROOT and a
usable sources.list - this would help us to decide, whether it is FAI's bug or
some other package's fault ...

Thanks in advance,

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