fai_2.8.3 still "uses" non-US (was Re: Release Notes - non-us being phased out - please comment)

Holger Levsen debian at layer-acht.org
Mon May 23 12:27:45 CEST 2005

package: fai
version: 2.8.3 


On Sunday 22 May 2005 16:34, Frans Pop wrote:
> > Hrm. "s/there is a chance//" *IMO*. It is 100% sure it will be shut
> > down, either for r0 directly, or with empty package files for a time
> > (until r1 or etch).

No package file will cause "fai-setup" (and "make-fai-nfsroot" which is called 
from fai-setup) to fail completly - in the standard-configuration (as 
suggested in the documentation and postinst) from fai 2.8.3.  (Obviously that 
failure can easily be fixed, but it's also unneccassary as we are aware of it 

The relevant line from /etc/fai/sources.list is:

deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US sarge/non-US main contrib non-free

So I would either suggest a empty package file for non-US for the time of 
etch, or - imho better - another upload of fai.

What do you think ?


P.S.: I know about X-Debbugs-Cc:, but I don't know how to set it in kmail...
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