FAI: installation aborted.

Dan B. Phung phung at cs.columbia.edu
Tue May 10 20:36:49 CEST 2005

oh, as previously noted, I should add my running system parameters:

IBM HS20 eServer BladeCenter, with dual 3.06 GHz Intel Xeon(TM) CPUs, 
2.5GM RAM and 40 GB 5400 RPM DMA/ATA-100 hard drive
Debian linux- (I compiled this)
FAI 2.8
tftp-hpa 0.40
NFS 0.99

also, I looked at the my syslog, and I see this:

  tftp: client does not accept options
  blade01 rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from blade02:800 for /diskless_ro (/diskless_ro)

maybe I should try a different tftp server?

On 10, May, 2005, Dan B. Phung declared:

> I've gotten past the previous NFS errors, and now have
> FAI specific errors :)  
> I see the boot of FAI going, it loads the network card, the hard drive
> controller, and then it gets to runlevel 2 and stops. 
> here's the output:
> Initializing random number generator....done.
> Optimizing hardware...
> INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
> FAI: installation aborted.
> reboot with: faireboot
> or after a logout
> sh: no job control in this shell
> and that's it.  faimond doesn't show anything.  I previously
> had an error about the file system being readonly, so I change
> my export from:
> /diskless_ro,ro,no_root_squash)
> to 
> /diskless_ro,rw,no_root_squash)
> and it got past that.  Then I saw some mail thread by Yuri Adrián González
> Robles and tried changning the pxelinux.cfg boot config line.  currently
> the file consists of:
> label fai-generated
> kernel vmlinuz-install
> append auto rw ip=dhcp devfs=nomount FAI_ACTION=install root=/dev/nfs  
> FAI_FLAGS=verbose,sshd,createvt,syslogd
> I also chmod -R a+r /diskless_ro...should I try a+rw ?
> regards,
> Dan


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