[Patch] Improving fai-savelog-ftp again

Stefan Berder sbe at oleane.net
Thu Mar 24 12:53:38 CET 2005

Hi again,
dunno if my patches are of any interest but here is one again.
I got a testing platform and a production platform, my testing platform
servers are named the same as my production platform, the only
difference is the domain name. So I wanted to get logs saved in
different path when I install a testing server and a production server,
I patched fai-savelog-ftp and fai.conf to get such an option. You can
now choose between 3 alternatives :

 #=- Stefan Berder                  tel : 6 14 80        -=#
 #=- Ingénieur système et réseau          01 53 95 14 80 -=#
 #=- TRANSPAC / DO-DAE-ADMG        mail : sbe at oleane.net -=#
 #=- /(bb|[^b]{2})/      stefan.berder at francetelecom.com -=#
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