Problem with start-stop-daemon

Stefan Berder sbe at
Thu Mar 17 18:32:04 CET 2005

System :
debian woody
fai 2.5.4

When the server finishes the install, there is a problem with a
remaining start-stop-daemon that is a fake one.
we got that :
# ls -al /tmp/target/sbin/start-stop-daemon*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           76 Mar 17 16:48
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        18408 May 16  2002

The start-stop-daemon is a bourne shell script that just does nothing,
the real start-stop-daemon is the one called .REAL.

Even if I try to mv the .REAL in start-stop-daemon inside the
scripts/LASt it does not work.

Anyone that got a clue ?

 #=- Stefan Berder                  tel : 6 14 80        -=#
 #=- Ingénieur système et réseau          01 53 95 14 80 -=#
 #=- TRANSPAC / DO-DAE-ADMG        mail : sbe at -=#
 #=- /(bb|[^b]{2})/      stefan.berder at -=#

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