ubuntu hoary FAI packages

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Mar 14 15:56:12 CET 2005

>>>>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 20:52:42 +0100, Henning Sprang <henning_fai at gmx.de> said:

    > It's an interesting question how we could really incorporate it into FAI
    > so that we can have debian/sarge, ubuntu hoary and maybe other distros
    > nicely next to each other witth one
    > FAI installation. Holger Levsen (i believe he was it) came up with the
First, debootstrap must support this. Currently on Debian
/usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/ only includes the scripts for the Debian

    > idea to have an /etc/fai-<DISTNAME> for each, and something like
    > /usr/lib/fai/nfsroot-<DISTNAME> for each, /usr/local/share/fai can be
    > shared or now.  That works somehow, but I am not sure if this is the
    > best idea (sorry Holger, just a feeling that it must be better), e.g.

make-fai-nfsroot -c supports different config directories
for that.

fai-chboot -d supports also a different config directory.
regards Thomas

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