recursive fcopy for the complete files directory?

Henning Glawe glaweh at
Thu Jun 2 10:58:42 CEST 2005

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 10:33:28AM +0200, Henning Sprang wrote:
> /files/etc/fai/
> 	fai.conf/
> 	make-fai-nfsroot.conf/
> 	menu-lst/
> 	sources.list/
> Which is somehow ugly (I often don't like the idea anyway of having
> these files named as classes, but when i thought about having another
> intermediate directory with the class name and put the file in it, I
> didn't like that also, so it seems the way it is is the one that sucks
> less). 
> I'd like to able to just manage a whole
> directory of files belonging together to one useful configuration
> in a single directory like:
> /files/etc/fai/UBUNTU-FAI-SERVER/
> 				fai.conf
> 				make-fai-nfsroot.conf
> 				menu-lst
> 				sources.list
> /files/etc/fai/FAI-SERVER/	
> 			fai.conf
> 			make-fai-nfsroot.conf
> 			menu-lst
> 			sources.list
> Would it be a bad idea if I'd add an option to fcopy that could handle
> this? Hmm, I guess it could work and be nice, but it might interfere
> with the "-r" when I use it as Henning does...

not only this, but it would also break consistency of the files/ hierarchy
(which is, btw, already broken if you use the files/packages cruft ;) )

if you want to do something like this, open a new hierarchy and don't use

But the major question would be: is this really necessairy?

> P.S: I know about ftar, but I wanna do version control - if I put
> *.tar's in the files dir, there's no easy way to get diff's from the
> text files inside.

I'd recommend to use fcopy just as-is...

c u

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